All Marion County Tax Collector’s office are closed on Friday, April 18, 2025 in Observance of Good Friday. All office are set to reopen on Monday, April 21, 2025

Tag Registration and Renewal

To renew your tags online click here .

Florida uses a metal license plate with the alpha numeric system, meaning there are combinations of letters and numbers used for identification. The renewal sticker denoting the owner's birth month and expiration date is placed in the upper right hand corner of the license plate. The license plate is displayed on the rear of the vehicle with the exception of certain commercial vehicles. The plate is issued to the owner for ten years. The owner will receive a new plate (with new numbers and letters) during the tenth year.

Vehicles and individually owned trucks weighing between 5,001 and 7,999 pounds are registered on a staggered basis according to the primary registered owner’s birth month. The registration expires at midnight on the primary owner’s birthday. The exceptions to this are company owned and short-term lease vehicles, which expire in June. Long term lease vehicles are staggered throughout the calendar year, and truck-tractors, semi-trailers business truck weighing between 5,001 and 7,999, and trucks weighing over 8,000 pounds are renewed in December. Nine passenger and other vehicles used for hire and mobile homes are also renewed in December. All vehicles are licensed according to weight. Travel trailers and mobile homes are licensed according to length.

Before you register a vehicle with at least four wheels in Florida, you must show proof of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL) automobile insurance. PIP covers 80 percent of all necessary and reasonable medical expenses up to $10,000 resulting from a covered injury, no matter who caused the crash. PDL coverage pays for damage to another person’s property caused by you or someone else driving your insured vehicle.

Proof of PIP/PDL coverage must be issued by an insurance company licensed in Florida to sell policies or by qualifying for a self-insurance certificate issued by FLHSMV.

Registration Renewal Notices:

Registration renewal notices are NOT required by state or federal law. Some county Tax Collectors provide a renewal notice that reminds the customer to renew his or her registration each year.

Renewal Registration By Mail

License plates, decals and registration receipts can be mailed to the vehicle owner for a small fee added to the annual rate.

After the initial registration of the vehicle, you may receive a courtesy reminder to renew the license plate. You should receive these notice(s) 4 to 6 weeks before your birth month.

You may renew your license plate registration in person at the Tax Collector's Office or by mailing the registration notice(s) to the Tax Collector with your check or money order. You may also renew by telephone or on the internet. Click here for instructions. When renewing by telephone, you must have the PIN number from your Registration Renewal Notice(s). Or, if you are renewing by internet, you must either have the PIN number from your Registration Renewal Notice(s) or your License Plate number, date of birth of owner, or expiration date of registration. You must also have a valid credit card. Additional fees will be added for mail, telephone, or internet renewals.

NOTE: A Delinquent fee is charged if the registration is not renewed by the 10th of the month following expiration.

Attention Military Personnel

Do not renew on-line until reviewing the following information and ensuring your Driver License and Vehicle Registration won’t be suspended! Contact our office at 352-368-8200 with any questions.

Renewing your vehicle or boat registration? Click here to see how to avoid costly Driver License &/or Vehicle Registration SUSPENSIONS.

There are specific qualifications and requirements for exemption from proof of Florida insurance.